We are instructed to become like children and approach God as the true Father. “and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3-4 NKJV Child like faith and humility are determinants for entering the kingdom and ultimately His presence. Often times we may approach God through prayer as a checklist or obligation limiting prayers to our current needs and desires. Approaching prayer by this perspective is not only limiting but does not allow one to experience the fullness of God’s glory. Imagine someone coming to you knowing you had everything they could desire yet they persistently asked over and over for the same thing they know you not only have but will give them. It can make the relationship seem a bit flaky. God desires more than Corn Flakes. He desires our heart, mind and spirit. He desires us to partner with Him to accomplish His will in the earth. The mindset of prayer should be one of surrender, partnership and a true walk with the Lord. We don’t pray to get something from God but because we can experience him. The veil has been lifted and is presence is available to those who desire him. One’s prayer life, with this awareness, will flourish because it is based on a loving father daughter bond. Before we can be excellent women, wives, mothers, business women and students we must first become daughters. Today become the little girl and daughter of our true Father and embrace his presence and glory in a child like manner. It’s not by obligation but preference, priority and heart felt, humble relationship.
Scripture: Proverbs 31:30 Bible Reading: Proverbs 2 Devotion: Becoming A Daughter First