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Fruit of the Spirit vs Working of The Flesh

*This past Sunday we had a guest speaker at our church and I am sharing a few takeaways and what the Lord revealed to me regarding the fruit of the spirit and working of the flesh.*

When a tree is firmly rooted and watered in good soil overtime it’s designed fruit will be produced. An apple tree will produce apples and an orange tree will produce oranges. When you are rooted in the foundation of Christ and the Holy Spirit is guiding you, the Holy Spirit within you will produce the following traits of the Spirit:










They are produced just like any other fruit on a tree. The key is that it’s a fruit of the Holy Spirit and not of human flesh. This is why it is imperative as believers that we crucify our flesh daily in order for the Holy Spirit to lead and thus be able to produce and bear fruit. It is not our doing for the Spirit of the Lord is what gives us life (Romans 8:1-11).

So many believers are exhausted because they are working from their flesh trying to produce something that only comes from the Spirit.

The Bible is clear that the workings of the flesh produce the following:

Sexual Immorality


Lustful Pleasures







Outbursts of wrath

Selfish ambitions





Wild Parties

The flesh is always working and grinding trying to keep up or catch up. It’s like a mouse running on a wheel. It just keeps going and going without end in sight.

As believers of Christ, daily we must make a choice to walk in freedom by being led by the Holy Spirit. This is what brings rest and peace to the body, soul and spirit. When led by the Spirit we are more productive in our personal, business and relational affairs. When we check in with the Lord daily through prayer and devotion, He through the Spirit informs us what to pursue for the day. As the Holy Spirit is in control of our to-do list, our day is more spirit and peace filled. Anxiety or feelings of overwhelmingness have no place because they are not being fueled by the grind of the flesh or doing what everyone else is doing.

Make the decision to establish your roots firmly and daily in Christ to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus are no longer under God’s judgment. Because of what Christ Jesus has done, you are free. You are now controlled by the law of the Holy Spirit who gives you life. The law of the Spirit frees you from the law of sin that brings death”

Romans 8:1-11

Fellowship Question

1. How do you ensure you allow the Holy Spirit to lead first thing in the morning?

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